Выступал под именами: Glen Osbourne, Glenn Osbourne, "The Madman from the Badlands", "Madman" Glen Osbourne, "The Beast" Glen Osbourne, "The Mosh Master", "Terminator" Glen Osbourne |
Коронные приемы: Чокслэм, Высокий Дропкик, Удар Цепью |
Коронные фразы: |
Откуда: Бэдлендс |
Менеджер: "Captain" Lou Albano, Freddie Blassie, The Bouncer, Destiny, Fallen Angel, Judd The Studd, Damien Kane, Dawn Marie, The Master, Sweet Inspiration |
Снимался в фильмах: |
NWAECW Television Title ECW Television Title Battle Royal Winner [1992] | ECWAHeavyweight Title [4] Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title [2] ECWA Hall of Fame Inductee | MEWFHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title [5] | ISPWTag Team Title | PCWHeavyweight Title Tag Team Title King of PCW [1999] | POWTag Team Title | PWEHeavyweight Title | Northeastern WrestlingTag Team Title | WWWAHeavyweight Title [2] Intercontinental Title Television Title | DCW (Delaware)Heavyweight Title | SWO (Susquehanna)Unlimited World Heavyweight Title | IPWATag Team Title [2] | LWFHeavyweight Title | TAWN (Trans-Atlantic Wrestling Network)Trans-Atlantic Television Title | BWOBWO Battle Royal Winner [2006] | WPWTag Team Title | NAWPennsylvania Heavyweight Title | DCW (Dynamite)Heavyweight Title International Heavyweight Title | WPW1st Annual Flamingo Cup Winner [2007] Tag Team Title | CZW, IWA, TPWA, TWA, WWF, NWF, UWWA, ESW, UWF, Men Of Steel, ACW, LAW, ATCW, GWA, WXW, Galaxy Wrestling, PVW (Costa Rica), Soul City Wrestling, AWF, Northeast Wrestling, DWFпоясов нет | TournamentMEWF Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [1998] PCW Heavyweight Title 8-Man Tournament Winner [1999] PCW King of PCW Tournament Winner [1999] DCW Heavyweight Title Tournament Winner [2003] WPW 1st Annual Flamingo Cup Tag Team Tournament Winner [2007] |
ECWA - Hall of Fame [1996]